~~~~~~  BRIARD NEWS  ~~~~~~


NEWS 2001


The result of Leo´s and Karrakus Lokha´s honeyweek
showed up at the ultrasound yesterday
Lokha is PREGNANT !!

Leo have a new date booked
and even this date are with a black Briard girl !

SBK Show, Njurunda, Sweden 001118

Judge: Nina Karlsdotter, SWE
Enteries 10
Adults 9 and 1 Puppy

BOB PUPPY:.......Mariell de Marque Rubriqe

BOB and BIS - 5:.......Mariell de Marque Lionne Lauroge

BOS:.......KORAD, SUCH, NUCH, LP  Cartier Monzerat Nemo

2:nd Best Female:.......Power´s Pearl of Tri de Coleur

Hörby 001117

Leo and Lokha´s   " honeyweek "   are soon over
so now we hope for puppies on Kennel Karrakus in January !!


Our girl...... Ondine des Edennes de Colmel
are tested  CSNB - Clear / RPE 65 - Free
in both Sweden and USA
we got the result from the Swedish lab. today !!

Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil are tested
CSNB - Clear / RPE 65 - Free in USA
and are Genetic  Clear / Free in Sweden
his parents was tested in August - 00 !!

You can see and read more about those crazy one´s here  Our Briards



~~~~  Leo -99  ~~~~
Leo will soon have Karrakus Lokha here for a date
and we hope on a little romance between the two of them !

USA August 2000

AYCh  Loulou des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire
Selected in Slovakia and USA

my freind Gerda and her Yazoo in Austria
for the wonderful results in USA..... both in tests and in the show rings !!
You can read about the results and see more pictures at  Yazoo´s   special awards

Copenhagen Winner Show - 00, Denmark 000916

Judge: Paula Heikkinen - Lehkonen, FIN
Enteries 12
Adults: 7 Males and 4 Females
Puppies: 1 Female

Crépel de Saint´s Odilia de Alsace  BOB Puppy


Mc Marras Thunder and Lightning
EXC 1    CACIB  BOB  &  KBHV - 00

Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil
EXC 2     3:rd Best Male

Yiko des Quinze Chapelles
EXC 1  CAC  R - CACIB   2:nd Best Male



DKCH Toulouse Creme de Cassis
EXC 1  R - CACIB   2:nd Best Female

Ysatis des Quinze Chapelles
EXC 1  CAC, CACIB, BOS  &  KBHV - 00

Leopolds parents are     CSNB - Clear ~~ RPE 65 Free

Father: Chicard Igor Zigue de Marque
Mother: NUCH Blue Grass Cola Melody

The whole Mariell de Marque´s  L - litter is   CSNB - Clear ~~ RPE 65 Free !!

International Show, RONNEBY Sweden 000730

Judge: Lilian Ridder - Onghena, BEL.  Enteries 9

BOB Puppy  Shebrie´s III Train Robber

BOB:....Brinies Pina Colada

BOS, CACIB & CAC:....LP 1 Cartier Monzerat Nemo

2:nd Best Female with CACIB:....
Our own:....Ondine des Edennes de Colmel

2:nd Best Male with R - CACIB:....
Our own:....KORAD TJH SUCH DKCH INTCH  Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil

International Show, RONNEBY Sweden 000729

Judge: Gunnel Holm, FIN.  Enteries 7

BOB Puppy  Shebrie´s III Train Robber

BOB,CACIB, CAC & BIG - 4:....LP 1 Cartier Monzerat Nemo

BOS & CACIB:....Cartier Monzerat Olina

2:nd Best Male with R - CACIB:....
Our own:....KORAD TJH SUCH DKCH INTCH  Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil

International Show, RONNEBY Sweden 000728

Judge: Michael Forte, GB.  Enteries 7

BOB Puppy  Shebrie´s III Train Robber

BOB, CACIB & CAC:....LP 1 Cartier Monzerat Nemo

BOS & CACIB:....Cartier Monzerat Olina

2:nd Best Male with R - CACIB:....Turboline´s Painted in Black

International Show, RONNEBY Sweden 000727

Judge: Kenneth Edh, SWE.  Enteries 11

BOB Puppy  Shebrie´s III Train Robber

BOB & CACIB:....Our own:....Ondine des Edennes de Colmel

BOS, CACIB & CAC:....LP 1 Cartier Monzerat Nemo

3:rd Best Male with R - CACIB:....Turboline´s Painted in Black

National Show, BORNHOLM  Denmark 000709

Judge: Jörgen Hindse - Madsen, Denmark
Enteries 7

Champion class:...
Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil  EXC 1  BOB

SUCH NUCH DKCH NORDCH KBHV - 98  Pasco de Berger Degas  EXC 2  2:nd male

Youth class:...
Jenkas Marcel Marceau  1

Champion class:...
DKCH KBHV - 98, 99  Ultima du Mas de Chantranne  EXC 1  BOS

Youth class:...
Ysatis des Quinze Chapelles  EXC 1  CAC  2:nd female

Working class:...
My own:....Ondine des Edennes de Colmel  EXC 1  3:rd female

National Show, GOTLAND  Sweden 000702

Judge: Marja Talvitie, FIN.  Enteries 4

BOB:....Turbolines Pepper Corn

BOS:....My own:....Ondine des Edennes de Colmel

2:nd Best Male:....
My own:....KORAD TJH SUCH DKCH INTCH  Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil

International Show, GOTLAND  Sweden 000701

Judge: Eddie Engstrand, SWE.  Enteries 4

My own:....KORAD TJH SUCH DKCH Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil

BOS & CACIB:....Carnac´s Hanna Gull Värd
Female R - CACIB:....My own:....Ondine des Edennes de Colmel

SBK Show, GOTLAND  Sweden 000630

Judge: Paula Heikkinen - Lekhonen, FIN.  Enteries 3
Judge: Ann - Chatrine Edoff, SWE.   BEST IN SHOW - Working group.  Enteries 14

BOB:....My own:....KORAD TJH SUCH DKCH Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil

BOS:....Carnac´s Hanna Gull Värd

Working group:....
BIS 4:....KORAD TJH SUCH DKCH  Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil

SBK Show, HÖRBY  Sweden 000610

Judge: Eddie Engstrand, SWE.  Enteries 5
Judge: Curt Bökefors, SWE.   BEST IN SHOW - Working group.  Enteries 8

BOB & BIG 2:....Yiko des Quinze Chapelles

BOS:....My own....Ondine des Edennes de Colmel

2:nd Best Male with CK:....My own....KORAD TJH SUCH DKCH  Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil

Working group:....

BIS 4:....KORAD TJH SUCH DKCH  Mariell de Marque Leopold Lepoil

Slovakia 000528


A lot of BIG CONGRATULATIONS to my freind Gerda and her lovely Yazoo !!
Loulou des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire
is now SÉLECTIONNÉE and CONFIRMÉE in Slovakia !